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Breathe Carolina X Brooklyn Cloth

Brooklyn Cloth has teamed up with the talented band Breathe Carolina to create a Limited Edition Savages Bomber Jacket.

SVGS Bomber Jacket

The relationship has been ongoing and with the continued rise of Breathe Carolina, their fans, The SVGS were excited about getting their hands on less than 160 units. Breathe Carolina started in 2006, is an American Electronic Band with band members David Schmitt, Tommy Cooperman, and Eric Armenta.

"Breathe Carolina fans are called savages because we believe it reflects the attitude of going your own road and doing things the way you want..never letting anyone get in your way. It is a lifestyle we believe we live and our fans live! The design is just the logo we made for SAVAGES, it is something a lot of our fans have gotten tattooed, worn and made custom things out of." - Tommy Cooper

Check out the Bomber, if there's any left!

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